Creating deep connections as the church body while studying the word of God.

Church was never meant to be a place where people sit anonymously in rows.

Small groups provide an opportunity to develop genuine caring friendships, discuss the Bible, and pray with others. Don’t do your faith alone!

There is a variety of study topics as well as days/times in which the studies meet. You can see a current list of open studies below or contact the church office for more information.

Each Sunday at 10:45 am

The Book of Colossians (Women’s Class)
Leaders: Becky Spates & Lisa Girimont - Board Room

The Round Table
Discussing the sermon from the 9:30 am service, fellowship, and more.
Leader: Kate Mularski - The Youth Center

"1st & 2nd Timothy"
Leader: Jas Pacana - in the Old Church

Reading the Psalms Together
Leader: Godwin Shams - Room 12

Young Adult Men - aged 18 through 30
Leader: Dan Saunders - Room 16

Young Adult Women - aged 18 through 30
Leader: Kelcie Saunders - Room 18

Thursdays at 7 pm (starting February 20th)
"DON'T GIVE THE ENEMY A SEAT AT YOUR TABLE" - A 6-week study at the home of the Hester's.      All are welcome!  Call (856) 357-712 for directions.


Everything we have is derived from the love and sacrifice of Jesus. As we acknowledge this  and honor God with our obedience, we invest fully knowing what it’s like to live a generous and blessed life.


We want to hear from you! We believe there is nothing too big or small for our God. Let us know how we can pray and or celebrate with you.